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L’elaborato, prendendo avvio dall’evoluzione della partecipazione dei privati ai processi decisionali degli enti locali, opera un approfondimento sul rapporto tra istanze partecipative ed esigenze di efficienza delle politiche pubbliche dall’angolo prospettico del settore dei servizi pubblici locali, recentemente novellato per opera del d.lgs. n. 201/2022. Sebbene la norma in parola annoveri la centralità dell’utenza tra i principi guida della disciplina e affermi il più ampio coinvolgimento nell’istituzione e organizzazione dei servizi, in concreto tale coinvolgimento pare incontrare ancora diverse resistenze.
The centrality of users in the decision-making processes of local authorities in the light of Legislative Decree, 23 December 2022, no. 201. Theory and practice of a participation in search of definition
The paper, taking as its starting point the evolution of private participation in the decision-making processes of local authorities, makes an in-depth study of the relationship between participatory instances and the need for efficiency of public policies from the perspective of the local public services sector, recently reformed by legislative decree no. 201/2022. Although the regulation in question counts the centrality of users among the guiding principles of the discipline and affirms the widest involvement in the establishment and organization of services, in practice this involvement still seems to encounter various resistances.